Our lumin&us® Professional’s Resource Pack is specially designed for use by therapists, counsellors, occupational therapists, social workers, teachers, teaching assistants or anyone working directly with children. These packs are the original ‘Cards To Help You Connect’ resources created by Beacon Family Services and Beacon Services Resources. The lumin&us® App was created as a complimentary resource for families in need of therapeutic support.
The innovative pack is filled with beautifully designed, professionally-curated resources to support professionals engaging families in therapeutic, relational play therapy.
1 x A5 instruction booklet – written and designed with families by experienced professionals trained in play therapies, as well as experts in education and learning
1 x A3 ‘How Are You Feeling?’ neuroscience-inspired poster – to help adults and children identify, validate and make connections between their thoughts, feelings and behaviours
3 x A5 ‘How Are You Feeling?’ neuroscience-inspired SAFE, STRUGGLING and DROWNING cards – to help adults and children identify the characteristics of each state of the nervous system. The cards also contain suggestions of things children and others can do to help when in that state.
2 x sets of characters – to be used to stick on the poster or used in storytelling. Includes a set for adults and a set for children, as well as some blank space to draw your own characters.
9 x A5 relational play-based activity cards – designed for each use in each of the nervous system states to support trusted adults and children to return to feeling SAFE.
Our trained therapists can also provide training for organisations wanting to use our resources. Please contact us at for more information.
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