1 in 5 UK children have a probable mental health disorder. (NHS Digital, 2024)

82% of UK parents have shown signs of parental burnout. (Action for Children, 2024)

2 out of 3 parents take time off work due to children's mental health needs. (Nutfield Trust, 2024)

50% of mental health disorders are established by age 14. (Mental Health Foundation, 2024)

Nearly half of children referred to mental health services in the UK are under 13 years old. (Children's Commissioner Report, 2024)

Families and professionals LOVE the lumin&us® family wellbeing App!

Nov 22, 2024 | lumin&us® for families, lumin&us® for professionals & organisations

Professional endorsements for lumin&us®

The lumin&us® App is a wonderful way of translating and communicating ideas that support connection and relationships in families. The app really captures the spirit of fun and creativity which can be so hard to hold onto when trauma has impacted children and their relationships.

Because the app is designed to support the adult user to both tune into themselves and to discover play-based ideas to support their child, having all this as resource that is close to hand and so accessible when needed is perfect.

When families feel at a loss to know what to do for the best, I can well imagine them dipping into the app and finding some helpful ideas to build on – which could help some families hold onto hope.

Dr Billy Smythe

Clinical Psychologist, DDP Practitioner, DDP Consultant, DDP Trainer

Play is how children learn. It’s how they process their feelings and make sense of the world, and playing with children is one way that families can enhance connection and wellbeing. The lovely illustrated App supports families to do just that.

Depending on the child’s mood, the App generates suggestions for simple games using household items. Parents are guided to use play to help their child feel safe, or to channel their energy and frustration. The pictures of den building look so cosy that I just might hae to build myself a den to crawl into right now. Highly recommend!

Dr Naomi Fisher

Clinical Psychologist | Author of When The Naughty Step Makes Things Worse| EMDR-Europe Accredited Trainer

I wanted to say how wonderful the App is that you have released, it is going to make such a difference to many families.

Dr Laura Frank

Play and Creative Arts Therapist

I am a supervising social worker for a fostering team. Introducing these activities to the children and then discussing the progress/experience with the foster carer will take supervision to a different level.

Using these resources can help to ascertain where the child is at, what support the child requires and how the foster carer can play a pivotal role in that process. In supervision we can help foster carers to learn how to introduce play activities with the children so that they feel comfortable/confident when doing this directly with the child.

Social Worker

Birmingham Children’s Trust

It is lovely to see more play based support for families especially from a team who are very skilled and clearly care about improving wellbeing for children and parents.

I will be recommending that families use the resources as they are accessible for all families from a range of backgrounds. I will also recommend that schools look at using these resources as well.

Gabi Williams

Counsellor and Psychotherapist

The games are simple and engaging which is something that I would do with my own children but hadn’t thought about using in my role with families. The lighthouse is an easy way to identify where you are with your feelings and it will give children a chance to display how they are feeling in a very easy way.

Sue Rowe

Kinship UK

Parent endorsements of lumin&us®

The expert guidance has helped me massively as it has helped me to understand the 3 different stages they can be in. It has also helped me to understand what stage I am in and that I spend most of my time in Drowning.

Parent using lumin&us®

It is very useful to understand how these very simple playful activities can make an impact. I’ve always been a person who needs to know “why” and “how” so having the explanation gives me a much bigger incentive to try them with my son. When I see how he reacts, I’m genuinely both surprised and pleased.

Parent using lumin&us®

So easy. I love the fact that they’re not rocket science because rocket science is too much when you’re struggling to be therapeutic and dealing with the persistent challenges of being an adoptive parent. I don’t have the time to read a 300-page book about how to be more therapeutic and even if I did, I’m so exhausted that by the time I get to the end I’ve forgotten what I’ve read let alone how to implement it.

It’s a win-win or a virtuous circle because fun mum means a more engaged and cooperative child which results in a less stressed me. The net result is a happier, more harmonious home.

Parent using lumin&us®